

The Number 9:

The number nine appeared repeatedly in John Lennon's life, leading some (himself included) to believe the number was of metaphysical significance, as evidenced by the facts that:

"#9 Dream" peaked at #9 on the US charts.

Lennon was born on October 9, 1940.

His son Sean was also born October 9 (1975).

Brian Epstein first saw Lennon and the Beatles at the Cavern on November 9, 1961, and secured their recording contract with EMI on May 9, 1962.

Lennon met Yoko Ono on November 9, 1966.

Lennon took nine General Certificate of Education exams and failed them all.

On the cover of Walls and Bridges, there is a painting of Lennon's from when he was eleven years old of a football player with a big "9" on his shirt.

In addition to "#9 Dream", Lennon wrote the songs "Revolution 9" and "One After 909".

In Paris in 1964, Lennon received a death threat that said "I am going to shoot you at 9:00 tonight".

The two people most important to Lennon were born on June 18 (Paul McCartney) and February 18 (Yoko Ono). 1+8=9.

There are nine Os and nine Ns in the combined names of John Ono Lennon and Yoko Ono Lennon.

Lennon sold Tittenhurst Park to Ringo Starr on September 9, 1973.

At the start of Take 9 of 'Nobody Loves You When You're Down and Out' on the Wonsaponatime abum, Lennon can be heard saying "..Number Nine, that's the lucky number!"

At the Dakota Building, Lennon would have a large nunber 9 next to an electric guitar and replica dagger on the bedroom wall.

Lennon was killed at 10:50 pm in New York on December 8, 1980; the five hour time difference meant that it was December 9 in Liverpool.

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